Guidelines for Keeping a Student Home
Is your Child Sick Enough to Stay Home?
Fever: If your temperature is 100° or higher, then stay home. Don't return to your office or school until 24 hours after your fever has subsided. A fever is one of clearest signs of a contagious illness and showing up at school or work will too easily result in passing on whatever you've got to others. If your child has a temperature of 100.4 or greater, you child will be sent home. This should be without Tylenol. Or other Fever aids.
Cough: If you have a cough cover your mouth and keep your hands washed. Remember only cough drops with Pectin can be used at school without a medication form. Any medicated cough drops require a medication form signed by the physician.
Vomiting: Stay home. Remain home for an additional 24 hours once you have stopped vomiting.
Diarrhea: Stay home. Remain home for an additional 24 hours after the last episode of diarrhea.
Rashes: Contagious rashes like pink eye require keeping your distance from others. See your doctor to learn whether your rash requires you stay away from work or school. Your school nurse will send your child home for any undiagnosed rashes. If your child is itching and scratching to the point they cannot concentrate, please stay home.
There are also some contagious conditions that carry special requirements about returning to school, such as strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox, flu, etc. If your student has a condition or illness that you are unsure about with regards to school attendance, please contact the nurse at your school to get information before sending your child back to school. We want to be a partner in promoting the very highest level of wellness for each student in our school environment.