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Compulsory School Attendance (Act 94-782)(Act 99-705)
The Alabama Compulsory School Attendance Law (Section 16-28-3) requires children between the ages of 6-17 to enroll and attend school. Additionally, Section 16-28-12 of the Code of Alabama, as amended May 17, 1993, requires that any parent/guardian who enrolls a student in school be responsible for the child’s regular attendance and proper conduct. Effective July 1, 2000, an additional amendment to this section requires that each child who is enrolled in a public school shall be subject to the attendance and truancy provisions of this article except that any parent or parents, guardian or guardians who voluntarily enrolls their child in public school, who feels that it is in the best interest of that child, shall have the right to withdraw the child at any time prior to the current compulsory attendance age.


In order for an absence to be “excused”, parents/guardians must present to the school principal or designee a written explanation of a student’s absence within three (3) days of the absence. Failure to present a written explanation (within the “Excused Absences” guidelines, below)will cause the absence to be recorded as unexcused. Absences for official school events are considered excused.

School attendance is required of all children. Students are expected to report to school on time and attend school the full day. All students are subject to the same attendance policies. Parents should make every effort to schedule doctors' and dentists' appointments after school hours. Absences are either excused or unexcused. Note: It is the parent's responsibility to provide the school with their correct mailing address and telephone number. Any changes made during the school year will require a written request with the parent’s signature and will need to be sent to the appropriate school personnel.

"Excused Absences" are defined as the following:

Absences are excused for the following reasons:

  1. Illness
  2. Death in the immediate family 
  3. Inclement weather which would be dangerous to the life and health of the child as determined by the principal and/or Superintendent 
  4. Legal quarantine 
  5. Emergency conditions as determined by the principal and/or Superintendent 
  6. Prior permission of the principal with the consent of the parent or legal guardian. Examples include but not limited to the following:
  • serious family illness
  • family emergency
  • legal appointments with documentation
  • religious holiday