If you have submitted request before and have never set a password, click Forgot Password to request your password.
If you have not submitted a request before, click the register link to fill out the registration form.
Update Phone Number in the supplied field, if necessary.
Select your Location (School or Lunchroom) and enter your room number or some identifiable descriptor for your room in the Area field.
Select the Problem Type from the dropdown. (Please choose the best option. Each type gets routed to a certain person. So this can affect how quickly your issue gets resolved)
Check the checkbox for Emergency only if it is truly an emergency. You can also call the helpdesk to express urgency on a ticket number.
Describe in as much detail as possible your issue or request.
Enter the Green Asset Tag number in the Tag Number field or if there is not one, you can put NA. (This helps us identify specific machines with problems.)
Click submit. You will receive an automatically generated email confirming your request as will everyone on the technology team. (We see every ticket that comes in via email at the same time you receive your confirmation).
Let it retrieve account information then make sure the username is your full email address and the server is set to outlook.office365.com. Then tap Next.
It will validate the settings then ask about remote security administration. Tap OK to continue.
Change the Days to sync to All. Tap Next.
After it creates the account, you can leave the name as your email address or enter a name so you will know what it is.
For an Apple device:
Go to Settings.
Scroll to Mail, Contacts, and Calendars.
Tap on Add Account.
Tap on Exchange.
Enter your email address and password. Tap Next.
Verify and/or set the following information, then tap Next:
Server: outlook.office365.com
Username: full email address
Once it verifies, open the Mail app and you should start getting emails.