Distance Learning
Alabama ACCESS
ACCESS Virtual Learning (Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide) is an education initiative of the Alabama State Department of Education. It provides opportunities and options for all Alabama public high school students to engage in Advanced Placement (AP), elective, and other courses to which they may not otherwise have access or be able to schedule.
To find out more about ACCESS and a listing of courses, please go to the ACCESS Virtual Learning site.
Dual Enrollment
- Academic Criteria for Dual Enrollment
- Advanced College Enrollment Through Gadsden State Community College
- Dual Enrollment Through Jefferson State Community College
- Early College Through the University of Alabama
- Jump Start Enrollment Through Jacksonville State University
Academic Criteria for Dual Enrollment
Criteria for participating in the dual enrollment program include the following:
The student will have a “B” average.
The student will obtain written approval of the principal and superintendent.
The student will be enrolled in Grade 10, 11, or 12 or have an exception granted by the participating postsecondary institution upon recommendation of the student’s principal and superintendent and in accordance with Alabama Administrative Code Rule 290-8-9-.17 regarding gifted and talented students.
The student who is enrolled in Grade 10, 11, or 12 who does not have a “B” average in completed high school courses may be deemed eligible to participate in dual enrollment courses pending demonstrated ability to benefit as documented by successful completion and placement identification on assessments approved by the Department of Postsecondary Education. Students eligible under this section will be restricted to pursuing career/technical and health-related courses. Students enrolled under this provision must have earned a “B” average in high school courses related to the occupational/technical studies and have an overall Grade Point Average of 2.5
The student shall take courses at a postsecondary/college level – not remedial courses.
The student enrolled in courses during the normal high school day on or off campus is responsible for his/her own transportation. The St. Clair County Board of Education is not responsible for transportation or its liability.
Three semester credit hours at the postsecondary level shall equal one credit at the high school level Jefferson State Community College requires a 20 on the English portion of the ACT or students may take the placement test in English before being allowed to enroll in Dual Enrollment English. High Schools may have additional requirements for enrollment.
Advanced College Enrollment Through Gadsden State Community College
The Advance College Enrollment Institute is Gadsden State's dual enrollment program. Dual enrollment for dual credit permits eligible high school students to enroll in college courses concurrently with high school classes, either at one of Gadsden State's campuses or at the student's high school, earning college and high school credit simultaneously. Eligible students may enroll in the ACE Institute during the Summer, Fall or Spring semesters. ACE Institute students may enroll in any Gadsden State course deemed acceptable by the student's high school, including both general education courses and career technical courses. Certain college courses have prerequisite requirements and/or placement requirements. All credit for coursework completed under these provisions is held in escrow until the student provides proof of high school graduation (final high school transcripts).
ACE Institute students are responsible for the cost of all tuition, fees, books, materials/supplies. Students interested in certain career technical programs, identified as high-wage, high-demand, may qualify for the ACE Institute Scholarship. The ACE Institute Scholarship is funded by the Career Technical Dual Enrollment Grant through the Alabama Community College System may pay tuition and fees, and in some cases, books and supplies.
Dual Enrollment Through Jefferson State Community College
St. Clair County Schools currently have a Dual Enrollment / Dual Credit agreement with Jefferson State Dual Enrollment.
The Alabama State Board of Education has authorized the establishment of dual enrollment between public colleges and universities and local boards of education.
The following options may be offered in dual enrollment:
Dual Enrollment allows students to earn college credit.
Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit (DE/DC) allows students to earn both high school and college credits for the same course.